General Information, Jerry Smith Tournament, 2019-2020 (Glancaster Minor Hockey)

PrintGeneral Information

Jerry smith

Memorial tournament

December 27th – 29th, 2019

GMHA Tournament Rules and Regulations

1.  This is an OMHA sanctioned tournament and as such is governed by the current OMHA Rules and Regulations. In the event of a dispute, the decision of the Tournament Committee is final and binding.

2.  All OMHA (or Other Association) rosters and travel permits (if required) must be presented to the tournament chair or designate one (1) hour prior to the start of the first scheduled game time.

3.  Fighting will not be tolerated and will result in suspension for the duration of the tournament.

4.  Any major penalties, game misconducts and/or gross misconduct penalties by players or bench staff will be dealt with at the discretion of the tournament committee in accordance with OMHA regulations.

5.  All calls by the referees are final.

6.  All teams must be prepared to play up to twenty (20) minutes prior to their scheduled game time.

7.  Each team must have a certified coach and trainer on the playing bench. Teams may share a trainer if need be.

8.  Teams designated as the home team must occupy the home bench wearing their light coloured jerseys.

9.   There shall be a two (2) minute warm up prior to the game start. This time will start once the Zamboni doors are closed.

10.  Teams will line up and shake hands prior to the start of the game.

11.  All games shall consist of 10-10‐10 (Atom/Peewee/Bantam) and 10-10-15 (Midget), stop time format with no time curfew. Run time will occur in the last 5 minutes of the third period, if there is a 5 goal differential.

12.  All teams are guaranteed three (3) games. Teams will be awarded 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 points for a loss, in pod play. Top four (4) teams per pod in Atom/Peewee/Bantam will advance into the semi-finals. The two (2) semi-finals winners will advance into the finals. The top two (2) teams in Midget will advance to the finals.

13.  There is no overtime in round robin play

14.  In the event teams are tied for points after the preliminary round, the higher seed will be decided by the winner of the head to head game. If still tied or more than two teams are tied the higher seeded team will be decided in the following order: (a) the team with the most wins (b) the team with the best goals for and against (eg. 10 goals for: 4 goals against = +6) (c) the team with the lowest goals against (d) the team with the fewest penalty minutes (e) coin toss

15.  All penalties assessed during regulation will carry over to any overtime periods finals

16.  Ties in playoff games shall be broken as follows; a five (5) minute Sudden Victory, OT period (run time). The OT period shall be four on four. If there is still a tie after the OT period, a Shootout will take place.

17.  The Shootout format will be as follows; each team will designate three (3) different shooters. The team with the most goals after the first three shooters have gone will be awarded the win. If there is still tied, then a sudden victory shootout will commence. Each team will send one (1) different player at a time to centre ice (note: no player is allowed to go twice, until all other players on the team have gone). From the 4th shooter on, it becomes a sudden victory shoot-­‐out.

18. There will be no timeouts in round robin play. One thirty (30) second timeout will be allowed in the Championship game only, but can only be used in regulation time.