Jul 12, 2024 | Glancaster VP | 341 views
Thank you Beth Forbes!
The Glancaster Bombers organization has been so fortunate to have many great volunteers that make this organization great. None more so than Beth Forbes, former VP of Administration for the Bombers. Beth has moved on from the Bombers, and we would like to recognize the great work she has done while volunteering her time as an Executive member of our association.
Beth put in countless hours behind the scenes, none more important than the amalgamation. Beth was an integral part of bringing this association together. A lot of the work that needs to be done, whether it be the amalgamation, tournament, or special events, goes unnoticed in the days, weeks, and years leading up. Beth was a reliable, dedicated team member from the beginning of her involvement with the Bombers. She carries an incredible amount of experience and commitment to her new role with Ancaster Girls Minor Hockey.
We wish Beth all the best in her new role and extend a sincere thank you for all the years of hard work to get this association where it is today.
Glancaster Bombers