Coach Evaluations Survey, News (Glancaster Minor Hockey)

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Dec 20, 2019 | Mario Barricelli | 1099 views
Coach Evaluations Survey
Dear Members, we are rolling out a coaches evaluation survey in the next few days (Dec 20-21). You will receive an email invitation to participate in the “Glancaster Bombers Coaches Evaluation 2019-2020” anonymous survey. 

The survey is brief – with 15 questions and you have until January 15, 2020 to complete the evaluation. Please, note that the survey Link is not sharable and you will receive one survey per registered player in your family to your email. The survey is completely anonymous and cannot be tracked by us. 

Our hope is that this format will encourage fair and professional participation from our Membership. We strongly encourage participation to help us plan for next season and for the long term.
Please ensure to check your Junk/trash folders, unfortunately we cannot control what gets labeled as such. 
Thank you, in advance for your input.

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