Glancaster Gives 4 Mackids, News (Glancaster Minor Hockey)

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Jan 01, 2020 | Mario Barricelli | 1369 views
Glancaster Gives 4 Mackids
To the Ancaster Avalanche, Glanbrook Rangers and Glancaster Bombers family: On December 14th, 2019, our family harnessed the power of hockey to make a difference in our local community. In collaboration with our partners at the OHL Hamilton Bulldogs and the NHL Toronto Maple Leafs Alumni, we came together in a big way to support the McMaster Children’s Hospital through this year’s “Glancaster Gives 4 MacKids”.

Through our shared hard work and generosity:

·         More than 10,000 teddy bears and stuffed animals were provided to the Salvation Army to be gifted this holiday to those in need in our community;

·         400 event tickets were given to equal opportunity and MacKids patient families; and

·         $22,136.73 was donated to support the oncology department at the McMaster Children’s Hospital.

The event was televised nation-wide and hopefully our approach was contagious and others follow our lead to try to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate in our community. Hockey is a privilege for our kids - they deserve it and we all work hard for it – parents, volunteers and coaches - to ensure they enjoy it. However, the fact remains, less fortunate children and families do not get the same opportunities our families do. McMaster Children’s Hospital Foundation is focused on raising funds in support of McMaster Children’s Hospital. The Foundation provides funding for leading-edge equipment and patient amenities, innovative research initiatives, redevelopment of patient-care spaces, and the education and training of health care providers.

“Glancaster Gives 4 Mackids” teaches our kids the power they have when they put their hockey jerseys on and go out into the community for a good cause. Ultimately, we thrive to raise individuals who are passionate about helping others. After all, we are all motivated to develop top level talent both on the ice and in our community.

Thank you.

Your Avalanche, Rangers and Bombers!


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