Update on 2nd phase of Bombers Hockey, News (Glancaster Minor Hockey)

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Oct 16, 2020 | Mario Barricelli | 1846 views
Update on 2nd phase of Bombers Hockey
The Glancaster Bombers will be entering the 2nd eight week program designed to provide ice sessions 2-3 times per week dependent on ice availability from the city of Hamilton in this phase of Return to Hockey.  This program is following the parameters outlined by HC, OHF and OMHA.  

The 2nd instalment of this program will be $300 per player.  This will extend the program to mid January where a final installment will be required to complete this season of hockey, this cost of this final installment is TBD. The program will consist of development with their assigned team and at later stages players will play 3v3 or 4v4 mini-tournament style games within their age cohort bubble. The 2nd phase installment will be due via cheque (payable to “Glancaster Bombers”) to your team manager by November 6th and the organization will collect these cheques from each team. 

Thank you for all your patience as we navigate in these unordinary times.

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