Hockey Programming and Pilot Update, News (Glancaster Minor Hockey)

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Jan 29, 2021 | Mario Barricelli | 1823 views
Hockey Programming and Pilot Update
Dear Glancaster Members, 
We believe in the mental and physical benefits of sports and how important that is to our youth today. We continue to work diligently behind the scenes to evaluate our programming options and ensure we can return to ice as soon as we are reasonably able to.

Given the ongoing announcements that continue to lock down our region and keep the City of Hamilton in the Grey Zone, we await the next steps that should be announced soon. The OHF has mentioned a possibility of extending the season beyond the normal programming and we would like to take advantage of this opportunity if we are able to within potential further restrictions.  


In line with the surrounding Minor Hockey Associations and working alongside the City of Hamilton and our public health authority, decisions about the continuance of our 2020-2021 season will be made after February 11th


We understand that these are difficult and uncertain times. We remain hopeful that the Glancaster Bombers can return to hockey at some point in the 2020-2021 season.


We would also like to announce that the Glancaster Pilot has been extended for an additional year by the OMHA due to Covid.   Please see attached Communication

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