Programming on hold as of Wed Jan 5, News (Glancaster Minor Hockey)

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Jan 03, 2022 | Mario Barricelli | 712 views
Programming on hold as of Wed Jan 5
In light of the COVID-19 lockdown restriction announcement this morning, all Glancater Bomber hockey activities will be cancelled including all practices, games and team events effective 12:01 Wednesday January 5 until at least January 26.

Note that any programming that is scheduled for Tuesday night will continue as scheduled.

Please note refunds will NOT be assessed until return to hockey date and season extension is further determined.


The GBMHA Executive will continue to monitor and assess the ever changing situation while working alongside our local public health unit and the City of Hamilton. 

We will provide further updates during the month of January as the situation continues to evolve and are hopeful for a return to play. 

Glancaster Bombers Executive

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