CODE OF CONDUCT 24/25 (Glancaster Minor Hockey)

The purpose of this document is to clearly state the expectations of players, parents, coaches, and spectators during the hockey season. Take some time to review this document with your child to ensure that everybody involved fully understands and accepts their responsibilities participating in Bombers Hockey. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the season, don’t hesitate to ask an Executive member.

Player(s) / Bench staff Information

Parent/Guardian Name


The purpose of this document is to clearly state the expectations of players, parents, coaches, and spectators during the hockey season.  Take some time to review this document with your child to ensure that everybody involved fully understands and accepts their responsibilities participating in Bombers Hockey.  If you have any questions or concerns throughout the season, don’t hesitate to ask an Executive member. 

To give every player the best opportunity to develop and improve their personal fundamental hockey skills, while learning about team strategy and systems designed for their level player as set forth by Hockey Canada Development guidelines. The association will implement structured hockey programming while providing a positive and fun atmosphere.   
The Association will ensure all players and coaches understand that they are representing their community.  Coaches will expect all players to work hard in practices and games and to conduct themselves appropriately on and off the ice.   

Good Sportsmanship is expected and required of all players, coaches, parents and spectators.  All league, association and Hockey Canada rules will be enforced. 
All players will treat their own teammates and their opponents with respect.  Players will not criticize their teammates, but will be courteous, supportive and cheer them on in a positive manner.  Parents will not focus on winning or losing, but rather the growth and development of their child. 


Parents should use their best discretion while consuming alcohol before or after a practice, game or team function.  Alcohol in an arena during a game or practice is not allowed. 


When the ice is being resurfaced, no player shall step on the ice until the zamboni has left the ice and the zamboni doors are closed. No players are allowed to enter the ice surface until they are supervised by a team official who is present or on the ice.   
Teams are only permitted to use the ice surface early upon approval of rink staff. 
At the conclusion of a practice or game, players are expected to leave the ice surface in an appropriate and organized manner.  No pushing, shoving, verbal abuse or slamming of sticks will be tolerated. 


Should an Incident or Injury occur at a Glancaster Bombers Sanctioned event, coaches and Association representatives shall be contacted immediately. Coaches will remain in constant communication with Hockey Operations Staff regarding concerns on team incidents or injuries. Parents are required to complete a Hockey Canada Injury report and notify Team staff. The head coach will be required to notify the association. Incidents shall be reported in a timely manner to the Glancaster Bombers Executive. 


Players are required to arrive at the predetermined time set by the Head Coach prior to all games. 
Pre-game warmups will be completed in Bombers wear only with appropriate footwear. Players will respect the other user groups within the facility. Loud music and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated around the other user groups. Designated areas will be utilized for warmups with coaches overseeing. Absolutely no balls or pucks used in spectator or high traffic areas. 
Players must be dressed at the predetermined time set by the Head coach before games.  If players are not ready, they may be asked to stop dressing and wait until the coaches are finished talking before continuing.  Junior aged players (u7-u10) are expected to work towards dressing themselves, and when ready, coaches may assist with skates.  As most dressing rooms are small, this will eliminate crowding in the room and prevent injuries from occurring. The Glancaster Bombers will follow most current hockey Canada, OHF, and OMHA policies for acceptable use of the dressing room. 
Parents are not permitted to enter dressing rooms without consent from the Head coach. Loitering outside the dressing rooms will not be tolerated. Parents and spectators can wait for players to exit the dressing room area in designated gathering spaces in all arenas. 
From time to time, we understand that daily schedules do not always run according to plan, and parents do their best to have children on time.  However, plans should be made well in advance to allow the player to make the most of the ice time. If you’re going to be late for a game or practice, please communicate this to the Head coach.  There will be escalating consequences for those players arriving habitually late to games and practices.  In bad weather conditions, please drive safely and according to the weather conditions. 
The parents of players who habitually arrive late will be asked to meet with team officials to resolve the situation. 


100% attendance is expected for all practices, games and team functions.  
The team manager and head coaches must be notified as soon as the parent/player knows they are unable to attend any game, practice or team function.  From time to time, there will be specific events that are mandatory that all team players attend.  These events could be but not limited to:  Practices, Games, Skill Sessions, Fundraising events or Team Building sessions. 
There will be consequences for players that habitually miss a game or practice Including but not limited to loss of ice time, or potential removal from the team. 
The parents of players who habitually miss games or practices may be asked to meet with team officials to resolve the situation. 


I am aware that I am a representative player for the Glancaster Bombers organization. 
It is a privilege to be a Glancaster Bombers player.  While attending hockey activities, people will see me and know that I am representing my community and this organization. 
I am playing Bombers competitive hockey because I want to.   
I understand my parents are also making a commitment to me and my team so I can play. 
In order to be a rep player for The Glancaster Bombers, I understand that I must:  
• Work hard at school and maintain my grades
• Come to the rink prepared to listen to the coach’s instruction, work hard, and give 100% effort at all times.
• Respect my teammates.  I will be courteous and supportive to all teammates.  I will never criticize my      teammates.
• Respect the coaches, referees, spectators and league officials.
• Respect my opponents.
• Maintain a positive attitude and exhibit sportsmanship.
• Win respectfully and lose graciously.
• Never use bad language or make negative racial or sexual comments at any time.
• Not participate in Fighting or horseplay in the dressing rooms, inside or outside of the arenas.
• Commit to attend all practices, games and team functions.
• Respect the facilities that I use, ensuring they are left in better condition than how they are found.
• Have as much fun as possible.


In order to establish a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone, parents are expected to follow the association Code of Conduct.  If you disagree with the team’s philosophy, development or coaching techniques, approach the team Parent Rep, in a professional, proactive manner.  Negative and unfounded rumours about coaches or players create an air of discomfort for everyone. No one benefits from negative or detrimental conduct. Open and honest lines of communication should be the priority.
• I will follow the 24-hr. rule and notify the Parent Rep of any concerns.
• I will enjoy my child’s participation in sport.
• I will respect my child’s “identity” and let them live their own successes.
• I will ask my child about “highlights” rather than performance.  What did you do well and what do you want to improve?
• I will encourage my child to participate, work hard and listen to coaches.
• I will encourage my child to constantly look to improve as a player and teammate.
• I will support the coaches and communicate any concerns directly and professionally.
• I will be involved for the good of the team.
• I will be respectful of the referees, coaches, all players, parents and spectators at the rink.
• I will ensure my son/daughter has the proper equipment.
• I will never abuse a player or coach physically or verbally either in their presence or in the presence of another player
• I will never ridicule or yell at my child or any other child for making a mistake or losing a game.
• I will be a full-time spectator with positive cheers only in victory AND defeat.
• I will not “coach” or shout out directions from the stands or engage in distracting behavior of my player.
• I will not use profanity.
• I will show appreciation for the volunteer coaches who give their time to coach hockey for my child.
• I will remember that these athletes are only children.


• Remember that participants play hockey for their enjoyment.
• Do not use any air horn or siren devices.
• Do not have unrealistic expectations.  Remember that the players are not professionals and cannot be judged by professional standards.  It’s Minor Hockey.
• Respect official’s decisions and encourage participants to do the same.
• Never ridicule a player for making a mistake during a game.  Give positive comments that motivate and encourage a continued effort on and off the ice.
• Do not use bad language or harass players, officials, coaches or other spectators.
• Refrain from yelling directions to players, coaches, or officials.
• Prohibited from approaching team benches or timekeeper areas before, during, and after games.
• Cheer in a positive manner, especially for exciting plays, individual efforts or team accomplishments.


• We will remember that players are involved in hockey for fun and enjoyment.
• We will teach players to play fairly and to respect the rules, officials and opponents.
• We will treat opponents and officials with due respect both in victory and defeat and encourage athletes to act accordingly.
• We will ensure that all players get an equal opportunity for instruction and support.
• We will organize practices that emphasize the skills, strategies and system requirements of players for the level that is consistent with Hockey Canada Development guidelines while providing a positive and fun atmosphere.
• We will remember that participants need a coach they can respect.  I will be generous with praise and set a good example. I will be fair and just.  I will be consistent and honest.
• We will refrain from the use of profane, insulting, harassing or otherwise offensive language in the conduct of my coaching duties.
• We will communicate and co-operate with the athletes' parents or legal guardians, involving them in management decisions pertaining to their child's development.
• We will expect and push our players to reach their own potential, but do so in a way that is encouraging and constructive

* Although this code is directed toward coaching conduct, it equally applies to other members of the “Team Leadership Staff”, i.e. Trainers, Assistant Coaches, Managers etc.


Parents shall not approach the coaches with issues before or during games/ practices.  After a game/ practice, there is a period of 24 hours that must pass before issues are to be discussed.  Congratulations and other general remarks are appropriate but DO NOT discuss negative issues when emotions are high.  Our coaching staff endorse the “code of conduct” and will encourage all parents to utilize the proper procedures when dealing with sensitive issues.  All parents, coaches and players are expected to communicate in a positive professional manner.  Parents are reminded that it is the coaches’ job to coach, and their decisions are made for the best interest of the ENTIRE team. 
A “Parent Rep” will be designated prior to the start of game play in order to open a communication avenue with the

 coaches with concerns or problems that may arise throughout the season.  (See TEAM CONCERNS” below) 
Failure to adhere to these rules will result in immediate discipline from hockey activities. 


 No parent will approach the bench during or at the conclusion of a game, skills or practice session. If a player is injured, wait for instructions from the trainer who is certified and equipped to deal with the situation. These areas are strictly prohibited.


·       Respect all arenas and dressing rooms – parents will not wait or loiter outside the dressing room.

·       Players are expected to fully dress themselves - parents or coaching staff can assist with skates. Should parents be required at the junior ages parents will coordinate with the head coach.
·       No parents or siblings of players are allowed in the dressing room prior to the start of any game. The dressing room is meant for the players and coaching staff.
·       There may be times where we call on individual parents or guardians to assist in equipment preparation if needed. (i.e. Goalies)
 ·       Players are expected to keep the dressing room clean and in the condition they were found          on arrival.
·       Absolutely no horseplay is allowed in the dressing room.
·       No throwing/shooting/kicking of snow, tape, water bottles, equipment, objects, etc.
·       Once a player has their skates on, they must remain seated to prevent injury.
·       Once a player is dressed, hockey bags must be pushed under the bench or stood upright in          a neat fashion.
·       Hockey sticks must remain neatly placed outside of the dressing room, or in a designated area.
·       Players are permitted to remove their helmets and gloves after games and must wait until coaches are finished talking before continuing to undress.
·       No SMOKING/VAPING/ALCOHOL/DRUGS of any kind.
·       Most current Hockey Canada, OHF, and OMHA Dressing Room Policies will be followed and enforced.
·       Cell Phones and cameras are not permitted to be used. A designated player will manage playlist for music.


A parent or guardian is required to be in attendance for all practices and games. Parents are responsible to ensure the coaching staff is informed of who is in charge of each player during a team function (i.e. If another parent will be taking responsibility for your child that particular day). If you are stepping out for a brief period of time, ensure that another parent is aware that you are leaving and is willing to take responsibility for your child. For players driving to and from games/practices, coordinate with the Head coach so they are aware.



 A association dress code is in effect for all games.

·      Until the team members are provided with an association approved team tracksuit or team wear, players will be required to wear “school clothes” – clean clothes, no holes, etc. OR semi formal dress apparel. Coaches’ discretion.

·      Once teamwear has been supplied they will become dress code inside the arena prior to games during warmups etc.
·      Shoes in good condition (no holes, proper laces, clean, etc.). Winter boots can be worn to games, but athletic shoes must be worn for warmups.
·      Clean and proper game jerseys and socks are required. Follow appropriate hygiene practices. All
dress code items must be clean and in good condition.


 Equal ice time is NOT guaranteed. Whenever practical, ice time will be as fair and as equitable as possible, except when players do not follow rules and expectations. There will be cases of odd-man situations and other strategic times during a game when equal ice time will not be possible. Ice time will also vary during Playoffs, tournament elimination games, Playdowns, near the end of game or in cases when a win could result in the team playing additional games. Coaches will do their best to ensure that EVERY child feels engaged and that they are an important part of their team.


Team events or social gatherings of players, coaches, parents, or staff will be considered unsanctioned during the off season. This includes games, practices, or on and off ice training. Sanctioned team events should be attended by all members of the team and player/parent participation encouraged. To be considered a sanctioned team event, approval of the event must be given by the Bombers executive.


Fighting or horseplay of any kind will not be tolerated on or off the ice.  Any breach of the Code of Conduct (abusive language, violent conduct, disrespect of coaches, officials and peers) will not be tolerated. The coach will handle immediate problems with the players/parents directly, but the Glancaster Bombers Disciplinary Committee will be informed. The committee will conduct any necessary investigation required. The committee may request a meeting with the player/parents, team officials, and other association representatives. In cases where interpersonal conflicts among players persist, it is the intention of team officials to find amicable resolution to all problems that may arise, but some issues may be resolved by disciplinary actions such as, suspensions, loss of playing time or, in extreme cases, removal from the team.

Glancaster Bombers Rep hockey is highly competitive, exciting and fast. Coaches and officials must have some latitude to make decisions for the best interest of the team and association without fear of reprisals from parents. Every team will always have players that perform higher than others on a game-by-game basis. If the players are aware of the coaching policies, and the coach is upfront and honest, there should be no issues over ice time. The coach has the responsibility and authority of running the bench and should never feel pressured by parents on ice time allotments. Ice time is based on a season, not one game.


Parents that directly interfere with the running of the team or the team’s philosophy or refuse to abide by the association Code of Conduct will meet with the team officials and association representatives. Any personal attack, verbal or physical, on any team official will not be tolerated and the parent or player involved will be removed from the team IMMEDIATELY.

The following issues are sensitive and should not be discussed in a negative or counterproductive manner among other parents or team officials. It is extremely important that negative issues or feelings not be discussed in front of the players.

·       The team’s philosophy

·       Coaching strategies, tactics and styles.

·       Line combinations.

·       Individual play of any player.

·       Ice time during games.

The OMHA code of conduct, City of Hamilton Zero tolerance policy, and the Glancaster Bombers code of conduct will be strictly enforced with no exceptions.

The Glancaaster Bombers Discipline Committee may invoke a suspension or permanent removal of a coach, player, parent, spectator or official after a substantiated violation of this code of conduct is reported.

Behavior deemed detrimental to the team, staff, or organization will be subject to immediate discipline up to and including removal of participation privileges.



 The Glancaster Bombers strictly adhere to the OMHA policy on Social Media use. Using the Glancaster Bombers property without consent, in a manner deemed disrespectful, Harassing, Derogatory, and/or Discriminatory will result in immediate Disciplinary action up to and including removal from hockey programming. Players, Parents, Teams, and Partners using the Glancaster Bombers name and/or Logo in any form must remain respectful. Misrepresentation of the Organization in any form by association will be deemed a violation of this Code of Conduct. Acceptance of this Code of Conduct will include the Social Media and Networking Policy contained in the Glancaster Bombers Manual of Operations.


 Reported incidents and/or conflicts will first be evaluated through the OMHA Manual of Operations, and the City of Hamilton Zero Tolerance Policy first before review of the Glancaster Bombers Code of Conduct. Should the concern fall under the jurisdiction of the Glancaster Bombers Disciplinary Committee the following processes will be followed.

TEAM COMPLAINT – Disciplinary Committee 
Step One: Adhere to the 24 hour rule.

Step Two: Put it in writing (email) to the Parent Rep after 24 hours.Resolution… or

Step Three: Meeting with the coaching staff and/or Parent Rep. Resolution… or

Step Four: Meeting with the Parent Rep, Coaching Staff, and Glancaster Bombers officials. Step Five:  Resolution

Step Six:   Meeting with Glancaster Bombers Principle officers INDIVIDUAL COMPLAINT – Disciplinary Committee

Step one: Remove the potential for further conflict. (immediate removal from hockey activities)

Step two: Written communication of issue to respondent(s). Outline expected investigative process timeline.
Step three: Collect relevant written information from witnesses, complainant, and respondent.

Step four:  Review collected information for determination of further discipline or reinstatement.
Step five: Meet with involved parties in-person or online (if deemed necessary by committee).
Step six:  Communicate written decision to respondent.

Step seven: Outline appeal process for respondent.


The Glancaster Bombers Organization expects all parents, players, coaches, staff, and volunteers to practice the highest level of ethical conduct and hockey professionalism both on and off the ice and in our community as representatives of the organization.

The Glancaster Bombers Organization is committed to an atmosphere of mutual respect with all players, coaches, executive members, families and volunteers that is free from discrimination, harassment (verbal or written), or other consistent behaviors that are deemed unacceptable behavior i.e. Threats, theft, vandalism, slander.

The Glancaster Bombers Organization is committed to protecting individuals who report, in good faith, perceived violations of the Code of Conduct from reprisal. Individuals will bring issues forward in a sincere and responsible manner, respecting the Disciplinary Process, to a Principle Executive member (VP or President).

The Glancaster Bombers Disciplinary Committee reserves the right to investigate any reported violations of this code of conduct and deliver a reasonable level of disciplinary action to the violator(s) if confirmed.

Any level of discipline including removal from hockey activities will not result in any form of a refund of hockey fees.

The Glancaster Bombers Organization is committed to making the hockey season the most rewarding, positive, and enjoyable hockey experience for everyone involved.