Important COVID Safety Protocol Reminders, News (Glancaster Minor Hockey)

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Nov 27, 2021 | Mario Barricelli | 865 views
Important COVID Safety Protocol Reminders
We wanted to take the time to remind everyone about important COVID-19 Protocols: Screening, Masks and Symptom reporting. Screening: Anyone attending in person - all players, coaches, families, parents and guardians - are required to sign-in upon entering into the facility using the prescribed Glancaster sign-in link or QR code.  Glancaster asks that this is completed prior to arriving, however signs have been posted at entrance points for easy access.  


  • A participant’s mask will be removed once helmets are put on prior to entering the ice surface. 
  • Once the session is over and the helmet is removed, the participant’s mask will be put back on as well as prior to exiting the dressing room.
  • Parents/guardians along with coaches/volunteers will be asked to wear a mask as well as where physical distance is not able to be met
  • Coaches and on-ice volunteers are asked to only remove their mask  prior to entering the ice surface. 
Protocols for participant/parents and staff presenting with symptoms of COVID-19

Participant/parent/staff feels ill at the facility:
  • The participant will advise team staff immediately of their symptoms
  • The participant will be tended to and given a mask while being removed from the activity by the trainer who will also be wearing a mask and gloves
  • The parent will be notified to go home and contact public health while they monitor their symptoms on the advice from the participants physician and/or public health official
  • The participant will only be permitted to return to play when they have met the requirements set out by Public Health guidelines.  
Participant/Parent/Staff report they have tested positive for COVID-19:
  • If a sick participant (or their parent/guardian if the participant is a minor) elects to inform Glancaster that they have been diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual informed will make a note and will await notification from Public Health of the confirmed/suspected case.  Public Health will provide Glancaster with advice regarding any other measures that the individual or organizational staff may need to take to reduce the risk of transmission.  Contact tracing forms of all those present in the arena at the time of exposure will be available to Public Health if requested.

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