Glancaster Bombers External Development Team Roster, News (Glancaster Minor Hockey)

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Jun 09, 2022 | Mario Barricelli | 1360 views
Glancaster Bombers External Development Team Roster
The Glancaster Bombers are looking to provide our players and coaches with an approved Development Roster for the upcoming season.  The purpose of this roster is to standardize our development across the association and improve our overall competitiveness. Not only are we looking to be more competitive on the ice, but off the ice in the classroom and with our team budgets.

   We believe there is a benefit in this roster for you as a hockey developer. You would establish some exclusivity with our association and teams. The association will be providing consistent development on Saturdays and Sundays for specific Skills, positions, and systems for multiple teams. This allows you to reach more players and teams in a shorter period of time. You will also have the ability to work more consistently with our coaches and addressing individual player needs and overall team needs at practices.

 Application period closes June 24th.

If you have any questions about this program and how it will work, do not hesitate to reach out to me anytime.

Scott Rilett
Glancaster Bombers
VP of Operations


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