Rep Teams, Category Libraries, Ancaster Avalanche (Glancaster Minor Hockey)

This Category is part of the season, which is not set as the current season.
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    Rep Teams
    Created: Oct 02, 2019 4:13 PM, Updated: Oct 02, 2019 9:03 PM
Items in this Library
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    OMHA Offer of Commitment
    This form, when signed by the player and parent/guardian, will confirm the player’s commitment to accepting a position on an Ancaster Minor Hockey rep team.

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    OMHA AP (Offer of Affilation) Form
    Teams who want to "AP" a player from a lower division need to complete this form for reach AP player.

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    OMHA Minimum Suspension List
    This outlines the type of suspensions and their length

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    OMHA Match Penalty Rules
    This outlines the rules for match penalties.

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    Rowan's Law Acknowledgement
    A new law pertaining to concussion awareness (Rowan's Law) was implemented by the Ontario Government effective July 1, 2019. In turn, the Ontario Hockey Federation is mandating all players, team officials, and on-ice volunteers read concussion awareness booklets, and sign the acknowledgement form. This signed form will go on the Hockey Canada profile of every player and team official. The form must be signed by both the player and their parent.

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    Rowan's Law Booklet Ages 10 & Under
    This e-booklet will help you learn more about concussions so you can keep yourself and others active and safe — whether you’re an athlete, student, parent, coach, official or educator.

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    Rowan's Law Booklet Ages 11 to 14
    This e-booklet will help you learn more about concussions so you can keep yourself and others active and safe — whether you’re an athlete, student, parent, coach, official or educator.

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    Rowan's Law Booklet Ages 15 & Up
    This e-booklet will help you learn more about concussions so you can keep yourself and others active and safe — whether you’re an athlete, student, parent, coach, official or educator.

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    Head Injury Passport
    Should a player incur a suspected concussion, the team Trainer will initiate the Head Injury Passport and the player would then go to an MD for evaluation.

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    Return to Play Form
    This form must be signed by a Medical Authority before a player who incurred a concussion can return to play.

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    Injury Report Form
    The trainer should complete this Hockey Canada form anytime a player on their team sustains an injury. Once completed, a copy of the form needs to be mailed to the OMHA.
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    Medical Information Form
    Trainers should have all parents complete this form for their child before the start of the season.

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    Team Trainer Compliance Form
    All trainers on house league, select and rep teams are required to complete and submit this form the Head Trainer.

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    Team Official Certification Requirements
    This chart from the OMHA details the qualification requirements for team officials (coaches, trainers) in the 2019-2020 season.

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    Team Official Reimbursement Form
    Complete this form to get reimbursed by the AMHL for a coaching, trainer, Speak Out or Respect in Sport clinic you have completed.

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