Head Injury Protocol, Ancaster Avalanche (Glancaster Minor Hockey)

This Category is part of the season, which is not set as the current season.
PrintHead Injury Protocol

Head Injury Protocol and Passport

The League is continuing to use the Head Injury Passport.  There are Concussion Care Providers listed below and the AMHL Head Injury Passport can be used to provide continuity of care. 

Should a player incur a suspected concussion, their team Trainer will initiate the Head Injury Passport and the player would then go to an MD for evaluation. The Family MD or other M.D.’s as chosen by the family will manage Player treatment and monitor their improvement over time.  Allied Health Professionals may be used to help manage Player treatment.  Note that the player would be held off the ice until the M.D. concludes they are sufficiently recovered to resume play using the Hockey Canada Return to Play Protocol.   A Reassessment Medical Clearance Note is required to proceed to step 5 of the Protocol.  

There may be fees associated with the post concussion management.  The AMHL will cover the initial assessment fee up to $85.   Any other fees will not be covered by the AMHL.  Some of those fees will be covered by OHIP and third party coverage. 

The Head Injury Protocol is from the Hockey Canada website with the addition of the Head Injury Passport. 

The player needs two separate notes from a physician - a note to return to activity and a note to return to play (full practice and games).

The trainer for the team will provide parents with a Head Injury Passport and a Return to Play form to be signed by a physician. 

If a player gets written Medical Clearance to return to activity they can start the Return to Play protocol.  Each step takes at least 1 day and may be longer. 


Step 1
 is the rest component. 

Step 2 is light aerobic exercise.

Step 3 is light skating, not drills. 

Step 4 is drills without body contact. 

Step 5 is Medical reassessment and second Written Clearance, then the player participates in a full practice.

Step 6 is game play.

If there are any return of symptoms, the player must return to the previous step and be re-evaluated by an M.D.  According to the Hockey Canada website it should take at least a week to complete. 

Think of it as a broken bone.  It just happens to be more important and less obvious because there is no cast.   Younger players are at higher risk because of the level of physical brain development.  Their recovery may take longer according to the research.  McMaster University recommendations (through http://www.canchild.ca/) are more cautious because of this.  Local Family Physicians may use those guidelines in their practice. Cobblestone Medicine and Rehab in Paris have Doctors on staff who will see patients without a M.D. referral.   The David Brailey Sports Medicine Clinic requires a referral from an M.D. (Family or ER physician) to have the player see their Sports Medicine M.D. Specialists.  Either option may be a good idea if there are persistent symptoms.

Head Injury Care providers can be found below:

Cobblestone Medicine and Rehab
1084 Rest Acres Rd. Unit 7&8
Paris ,ON

Conor Colins R.M.T.
3 Wilson St. E
Ancaster, ON

Andrea Dorman, D.C.
Bodywise Health & Rehab
385 Wilson St E, Suite 102
Ancaster, ON L9G 2C1
(289) 442-7332

Dr. John Durdan, D.C
1085 Harrogate Drive
Ancaster, ON L9K 1R
Phone: 289-983-5193

Westmount Physiotherapy & Massage
723 Rymal Road West, Unit 300
Hamilton, Ontario  L9B 2W2
Phone: 905-385-9687

Main Street Health Recovery
460 Main Street East, Unit M3
Hamilton, ON L8N1K4
Phone: (905) 524-3709

Heartbeat Athletic Therapy
3 David Ave.
Hamilton, ON L9A 3T

LifeMark Physiotherapy - Hamilton Main East
1440 Main Street West Unit 4
Hamilton , ON L8K 6M
Phone: (905) 544-0053

LifeMark Physiotherapy - Hamilton Main West
Phone: (905) 577-0098

LifeMark Physiotherapy - Hamilton Mohawk
210 Mohawk Road East Unit 3
Hamilton, ON L9A 2H
Phone: (905) 388-3902

Upper Ottawa Physiotherapy
Adam Dziemianko, D.C. 
883 Upper Wentworth Street
Hamilton, ON
Phone: 905-389-8772

CBI Brantford Physiotherapy And Sports Medicine Centre
Leanne Agriesti  
325 West Street, Building A, Suite 300
Brantford, ON N3R3V
Phone: (519) 756-5450

Centreline Physio, Sports & Wellness Inc.
Jackie Sampson-Stewart, BHScPT, Bkin, CMAG, MCPA 
254 North Park Street
Brantford, ON N3R 4L
Phone: (519) 732-9954

Centreline Physio, Sports & Wellness Inc.
254 North Park Street
Brantford, ON N3R2R1
Phone: 519-732-9954

Complete Connections Therapy
5008 South Service Road
Burlington, ON L7L5Y7
Phone: (905) 870 8228

Dr. Callum Cowan
5041 Fairview Street
Burlington, ON L7L 4W
Phone: 2898281979

The Healing Path Chiropractic & Wellness Centre
Maher Obeid, Chiropractor 
E5-2475 Appleby Line
Burlington, ON L7L7M5
Phone: (905) 333-9900

If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Farrauto, AMHL Head Trainer ([email protected]).